Shenanigans and then some...

Okay, so when you have a job in our company, lets say, there are some men, but not all are cute. Or no one passes the "cuteness" factor, if there are such. This afternoon, my friends are all making comments about this guy, a staff nurse interviewee at our lobby. Not to spoil the fun, I also went with them (maybe because of my intrigera self) and saw for our ourselves what the other girls are feasting at.

... Yes, he was damn cute indeed. But he's married! Score one for the ladies, but I guess, he is off limits already.

The funny moments never seem to make us all dull. But rumors are circulating that he will be posted to our group since there are no vacancies for a staff nurse. I just said it just for the heck of it. haha


Met Anne and Gian yesterday to give her Vintage Earrings' order. Am so happy to see old faces again. But really, I missed Gian since he always make me smile during our 4th year when he would make lait of other people or something like that. Or we'd go to Wendy's or BK after class. I feel sad because I only get to spend less time with him. Damn funny person. haha :D

So there, they are both colleagues at La Salle. Kamusta naman yun. At least Anne was once from La Salle when she was in high school. I wonder which side should they root for this UAAP? hehehe.


Speaking of my beloved school, I am planning to go back there this Saturday. I have to deliver something and maybe meet Nina during her break. I missed Nina. I remember when we used to go somewhere for our Photojourn class or hang out at her dad's office or eating way too many foods because she is pregnant and I shouldn't let her starve.

Main point, WE (yes Journ!) should have a reunion. I am dwelling on memories like an old person already. Not that it is a bad thing, but I just wanna see some old faces, or the ones I used to hang out with.


Haay, just text me if you need anything. I don't wanna skulk here talking about the fondest memories or I might get too far. Love y'all :D

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