Silvery Silver Year

En route to my 25th year, it has been a question of faith. Faith if it will permit my heart to always be happy, faith for my career to flourish, faith that everything I’ve ever wanted will finally materialize. And then there came bliss. So my life, as we know it, changed in a snap of a finger.
As of today, I can proudly say that I am not the same girl, 25 years ago. There are a lot of things that made me stronger, much wiser, and definitely happier. And if I would turn my life around, I would never change a thing. Maybe because the pain and the hurt was worth it, because it led me to where I am now.

To those who took their time to greet and remembered my birthday, my heartfelt thanks to you. Because of you guys, my days are colorful and my life is extraordinary. To my family, I am absolutely nothing without you. I am so happy that I was born into the right one.

Last but definitely not the least, to my Baby, who have been, in four months, turned my life upside down, in a good way. And Ive never been more proud and happy that in you, I found love once again. I really hope that we could spend our forever, together.

Here's 25 to life! And more more years to come!

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  1. Belated happy birthday, Ria!!! Stay happy :)


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