Smitten and Sick

I have been so in love with my books. Last night, I was looking at them and I feel as if Im their proud mom. But lately, I havent had the time to even read some of them. I think I may have more than ten books unread. Its tragic when you dont have the time to do so.

Back in high school, my library card would entirely be filled up. I just cant get over the Wakefield Sisters (Elizabeth and Jessica, Sweet Valley), Sweet Dreams, Choose your Own Adventure, Goosebumps and other paperbacks I could borrow. Out of sheer desperation, I almost borrowed Harry Potter, but it would always be out of order or something like that. So back home, I can only make up with my measly book collection of Archie Comics and again, Sweet Valley Twins.

Now I have a mini-library and I cant even finish a book in one sitting. Unlike before. Sad.


I'm still sick. And still went to work even though I have this splitting headache when I woke up. I know, I shouldve gone back to my bed, but my fair judgments are still intact and I could work pa naman.

Ayoko lang ng stupid aircon that makes me ngongo right now.

And I still have a meeting for the Christmas Party. Im so excited already! :D


I wonder what theme will they propose this year. Okay, so far Ive been a Fairy and a My Fair Lady Character.

Cant wait. Hope I'd also win something this year. Bibo daw ako eh. But I really want to attend this year's party.

..Even though Miss Cherry told me to wait for the IMPORTANT call.

I'm crossing my fingers. Next year nalang kasi. lol.

Gotta go now. :D

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