New Layout for the New Season

After tinkering my multiply site, I have been a proud momma all of a sudden. Finally, I made my very own design and the first one was Blair Waldorf pa! How cool is that?

..So cool that I made a helluva girl out of her. Hahaha. I mean, I so love it. she can be bitchy at times, but you'll love she ploy with other people. And having to date two of the most pretty boys of her age. Cmon, who DOESN'T want to be her?

I actually don't. haha. Anyway, she's powerful that's why she could pull all that. Queen B.

Marky even wanted me to do him a Serena layout. hehe. Kewl.


Hectic Hectic. I know, so why am I still blogging? Nah. I just wanted to shout to the world that finally, a normal life is given to me again. My Dad's coming home tomorrow!. Now I could finally go on a date. I could go to Divi and splurge. I could bum in the house and no one would care. FINALLY.

On the other hand, things at the office are pretty perky. I have an article coming up, we have the anniversary on Friday, and my baby will have a new face. The things I could be happy about. hehe.


Last night, I went ga-ga over Wedding Dash. After Flo's Diner Dash, now I'm playing Quinn, a distressed wedding planner. Try the game, I'm sure you would enjoy it too. My brother even played with me. And we were even cheating on the choices of the bride and groom. Like everytime we commit a mistake, we would start the game over again. LOL.

And the game is all because of Sir Allan C's generosity. He even made me a predecessor of Jeni. Its for me to know and for you to find out. Hahaha.

I'm still sleepy. Gaah!

Have to go now.


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