Happy 21st Month My Lovey 21..

Marking this Love Month, is the 21st month of our relationship. Actually, I feel speechless right now. Just that I never really thought that this would be getting this far. You see, I'm a klutz. I feel like ruining something, and I do it effortlessly. But this one, is special. Everytime I try to ruin it, it just comes back home, unharmed and more sweetly than ever. Maybe because it is meant for us. That maybe, today, it really is REAL.

Love you so much Hon Hon, and I hope to spend more years and months with you. Muah! :D


This day has also been good to some of my friends. Just found out that Nix has already passed the Nursing Boards Licensure Exams. And it definitely calls for a celebration. Congrats Nixee! CCD is uber proud of you! :D


Jen is inviting me to watch "My Big Love". I wanna watch it too, but time doesn't permit me to. Though I told her that I could maybe do it next week or something. Haha, Just that I have never seen a Tagalog Flick after One More Chance. Plus, its lead role is Sam Milby. Like I could resist him. Hahaha.

Dad's flight was postponed to next week. Apparently, his replacement needed to be trained first before he goes home. Asar. Just when I was hoping to touch my iTouch (cliche isn't it? LOL), I needed to wait for a few more days. Haay.

Anyhoo, I really need to go now. Weekend na naman! Super excited. Muahugz (Sai Mode LOL.)

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